Friday, August 8, 2014

Thank You Notes: An Ode to My Fellow Interns

I didn’t expect to love you as much as I do. 

I was excited about a lot of things for this summer; my ministry focus, living at home for a few months, and relearning to love Bend, among other things.  I knew I’d like you; I didn’t expect to love you this much.

So this is for you, since we said our final goodbyes last night and this past week that are hopefully only see-you-soons.  This is a thank you letter; imagine it hand lettered with any of the many talented artists among you painting in the background.  Read it remembering that in ten short and long weeks we experienced something remarkable and rare, something beautiful and redemptive.

Thank you for living life slowly; allowing time to paint, laugh, cry, worship, admire the stars, and remember. Thank you for pausing often to think of God and who He is.  For living the gospel and preaching it with your words, actions, smiles, and love.

Thank you for loving so well.  I feel like this summer we all walked from a dry, barren desert into a green, lush garden where our souls were refreshed and our thirst was quenched.  This happened because you loved one another purely and selflessly.  

Thank you for representing Christ in the way He asked of us.  “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)
By offering double rainbow affirmation more often than just Mondays, you reminded me that deep, loving friendship is all about showering people with praise and never hiding how you actually feel about one another.

Thank you for teaching me what community really looks like.  Not just normal community, but Christlike, Kingdom community.  I knew I would learn about community this summer, that being my ministry focus, but you have given me the gift of a perfect example of what Christ intended for friendship and for life in this world.  Might I venture to say it is a tiny glimpse into the beauty of what Heaven will be like?

Thank you, friends, for loving art, worship, photography, design, counseling, missions, media, breakfast foods, bonfires, beaches, twinkly lights, Chinese food, rivers, flannels, mopeds, Bible Taboo, shaved ice, coffee, Portland, laughter and all the other random gifts that God gave to bring us closer together this summer. 

Thank you for being willing and obedient to what [and where] God called you to this summer.  For leaving your homes, friends, families, significant others, jobs, and more to follow Christ and give your summer to His cause.  I try to picture this summer without just one of you, and it would not have been the same.

Thank you for asking questions, for being honest and vulnerable and not just carrying an everything-is-okay face around with you. 
Thank you for opening up theology and Christianity in a real and genuine way, in a way that brings us closer to God and not farther from Him.
Thank you for teaching me more about who Jesus is, for reminding me of the mercy of His sacrifice, and the glory of His resurrection.

Thank you for being teachable, and teaching me. 
Thank you for leading us into worship, expanding our understanding of missional living, and demonstrating how important art is in the Church.
Thank you for being willing to admit your deep need for God, for working through struggles and doubts, and for allowing God to speak into who He sees you to be.

I could go on and on, with stories and memories and ways that you changed me, but this is just a scratch on the surface of how you’ve impacted my life.

YOU ARE ALL #reasonstosingthedoxology
Praise God.

Love you,



  1. Thanks for writing this Kallie. I believe you've captured the sentiments of myself (and many of us). It was a blessing to be part of, Praise be to God.

  2. Thanks Paul!!! It really was amazing.
