If you were to ask me (and lets just
pretend you are) what God is teaching me right now, it would be without any
hesitation the one word dependence.
In our journey of faith, this concept
of dependence runs as far as possible from parallel to what is glorified in our
culture. In our world the goal of
growing up is to be able to take care of oneself, no longer depending on a
parent or caretaker. We struggle with
vulnerability and relationships in general because it requires letting someone
else carry our burden, letting someone else into our deep and secret places.
I have often falsely believed that
growing in my faith and as a Christian would make me less dependent. I strive for independence in every area of
life and quite honestly, dependence is just quite inconvenient.
Here I am, age 25, and incredibly
dependent in many ways. Financially
dependent, emotionally dependent, spiritually dependent. And while normal life will hopefully someday
lead me to be independent in some ways, I am realizing more and more that
spiritual independence is not a thing.
It doesn’t exist.
As we grow in our faith, we are more
and more dependent on God. We are
children – constantly functioning as children – and He is delighted to be our
Father, our caretaker.
The Bethel song “I Need You More”
speaks this beautifully:
need you more, more than yesterday
I need you more, more than words can say
need you more, than ever before
I need you Lord, I need you Lord.
than the air that I breathe
than the song I sing
than the next heartbeat
than anything
as time goes by
be by your side
I never want to go back to my old life
Proof of growing in our faith isn’t
shown by needing God less. It is a
Benjamin Button backwards growth of needing Him more and more and more.
For me right now it feels like growing pains; I want to grow out of this phase and be independent. I want to be able to take care of myself. It might be one of my strongest human desires. But it isn’t going to happen.
For me right now it feels like growing pains; I want to grow out of this phase and be independent. I want to be able to take care of myself. It might be one of my strongest human desires. But it isn’t going to happen.
Our perspective and understanding need
to change from a desire for independence to a gratefulness for a God who wants
to take care of us. His heart for us
wants us to come to Him with our needs and desires. He desires to take care of us, to welcome us
into His presence – deeper and deeper.
We will always need our spiritual
training wheels. Luckily, even when we
try to ride on our own without them, we have a Father who runs right next to
us, ready to catch us whenever we fall.