Thursday, July 3, 2014

First, Next, Last

Sometimes life is crazy and there isn’t really time to write.  And sometimes you just kind of lack real specific inspiration.  That’s kind of where I’m at.  So I'm just going to share three thoughts, if that’s okay with you…

I’ve started reading a book called Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey.  I have never really thought of myself as a feminist, but I do love Jesus and recently have been convicted that I need to be educated on this whole “Women in Ministry” thing since, well, it is kind of becoming my life’s work.
I read 1 Timothy 2 the other day, that infamous passage that tells us that apparently women shouldn’t teach in the church.  I shut my Bible with what I would like to call righteous anger, wondering how Scripture and one’s calling in life could possibly come into such strong conflict.  I’ll keep you posted on how I work that one out…but I was encouraged by my Dad’s words – “Whatever God calls you to do, He will provide the opportunity to do it.”  What a guy.

I’m grateful for mentors.  I have such a passion and care for mentoring, and it is because I’ve been blessed in the past 5 or 6 years of my life with outstanding women walking alongside me and my friends.  We had the privilege of reuniting our small group from high school for dinner, and I was just beyond blessed by our leader.  She is the epitome of authenticity, full of grace, joy, and wisdom and I can’t say enough good things about her.  I left with a full heart after she spoke words of affirmation and LIFE into me and my current struggles.  She spoke truth when I was so easily leaning into the lies.  I’m grateful for women who decide to walk alongside and lead the next generation.  Especially for women who do not feel the need to put themselves up on a pedestal and make their life look perfect; we are all broken, we might as well help one another put the pieces back together.

Life is short.  I feel like that idea keeps being whispered into my life in different ways.  It is easy for me to get caught up in the stress of being a grad student, needing to write a thesis, stressing about what I’ll do after I graduate, who the heck I will marry, and so on.  I waste time on social media, watching stupid TV shows on Hulu, and complaining about silly things.  But life is short – so spend it with the people who bring you JOY.  Laugh about the little things.  Spill. Cry. Dance.
Make memories.  Remember old memories. 
Speak truth and life into people.  Be the Gospel to people. 
Hug your Mama, joke with your Dad, drink wine and take bubble baths and look at the sunset through your own eyes instead of through an instagram filter.
Be kind. Seek justice. Love wholly. Persevere.
Enjoy this beautiful life that God has given us – it is full of blessings.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, America. (:

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