Jesus told us when He was on this
earth, “In this life you will have troubles...”
One of the only guarantees we have is
that this life will not be easy.
Life is full of uncertainty. It is often overwhelmed with troubles and
struggles and frustrations.
So I’m just wondering how we still
live well in the midst of it.
My last post was somewhat (ok,
completely) a vent session and it doesn’t really help to get mad and verbal
vomit and then just walk away. So the
night after I posted that, I laid awake asking God, “What do I do now?”
He repeated back to me what I just
barely skimmed over last week:
above your circumstances.
I wrote that this is one of the
options when something is hard and you need to take action of some sort. I said that I didn’t know how to really write
anything more about it. I guess God
wanted me to dig a little deeper.
I realized in thinking over my life
that most of it is really good right now.
Besides that one situation that was making me so mad, all my other
relationships are healthy. School is
good. My family is great. I even know where I will be working this
summer, which is amazing because I’m learning that I cannot really plan my life
too far in advance.
Yet I was letting this one situation
completely own me. Completely dominate
my emotions, my thoughts, my time. I was
letting it make me a person I didn’t
want to be.
I do have a say, I do have control; not over other people and the choices they make, but over myself and the choices I make. I can choose to let something make me bitter, or I can give it over to the Lord. I can choose to be a person of grace, or I can be mean and crabby.
I do have a say, I do have control; not over other people and the choices they make, but over myself and the choices I make. I can choose to let something make me bitter, or I can give it over to the Lord. I can choose to be a person of grace, or I can be mean and crabby.
If our faith is real, and God is
really transforming us, then these situations cannot and do not dictate who we are and what we do.
We are not defined by our
circumstances. We are defined by
Christ. (repeat that to yourself.)
We find our identity in His death and
resurrection. We find ourselves in His
glory and redemption and in His name.
And there, we find power.
is power in the name of Jesus.
Power to overcome. To conquer.
To be victorious over that one, or several, situations in our lives that
seem like they control us. It is just.not.true.
Live in the freedom and the power of
the resurrected God. Find peace and the
ability to rise above your circumstances in His Name.
The second part of that verse, it is
where we need to live out of:
“In this world we will have troubles, but TAKE HEART, I have overcome the world.”
“In this world we will have troubles, but TAKE HEART, I have overcome the world.”
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