When your desire for God outweighs
your desire for anything else, that is when you will have true ______.
Fill in the blank.
I started off my morning by just
rattling off apologies to Jesus, as I stared in the mirror getting ready for
the day.
I am sorry I don’t pay more attention
to You.
I am sorry I choose Netflix over You
on a daily basis.
I am sorry I plan my future on my own
and let my heart and imagination run way ahead of You and Your plan.
And I went back to getting ready and
heard Him say this:
your desire for God outweighs your desire for anything else, that is when you
will have true ______.
It is really true for any word.
Trust, peace, wholeness, love, you
pick. Whatever it is you feel like you
need, that is how to find it.
I think for me right now it is
satisfaction. To be content.
I have decided my prayer word for the
year is satisfy. Mostly because of songs with lyrics that keep
sticking out to me:
“Your love is all that can satisfy.”
“We believe You will satisfy.”
“There’s nothing in this world that
could ever satisfy.”
And also because I keep expecting
other things to make me content and satisfied with life and it just doesn’t.
ever. work.
“Where your treasure is, there your heart
will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)
Where your focus is, there your time
will be also. Where your desire is,
there your emotions will be also. Where
your trust is, there your security will be also.
Where you put your time, heart,
energy, trust – that is what you are hoping will satisfy you.
I have placed it in my friends. My
family. My job. My grades. My athletic performance. My ability to listen. My ability to love, and to be loved. My hope for beauty.
Where have you placed your treasure?
Your hope? Your satisfaction?
And has it ever actually fulfilled you?
And has it ever actually fulfilled you?
Philippians 4:11 says “I have learned
in whatever situation I am to be content.” Because… “The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need” (Psalm 23
I truly believe that God being our
one, true desire and true love is the only
way to find a life of fullness. Of true
satisfaction and completeness.
John 10:10 – “I have come that they
may have life, and life to the full.”
I think we waste most of our lives
waiting for whatever it is that will ‘complete us’. And we will never find it. Because as soon as that thing comes, we
realize that it isn’t actually what we needed to feel “full”.
Jeremiah 2:13 says that we have failed
to trust that He is the Living Water, and we have dug our own cisterns, “broken
cisterns that cannot hold water”.
Until we understand that only Jesus satisfies, we will be running
around drinking from all different water sources only to remain thirsty and
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