I’m trying to learn how to garden. And by that I mean keep a plant alive for
more than a week. So my mom bought me
hanging pots for our porch, and I love them.
Every morning, I fill up my watering can and give them a good long pour
of Rocky Mountain water (from the tap).
But every once and a while, I
forget. Life gets busy, and the flowers
go without. Yesterday I realized it had
been several days since I last watered them, and they looked shriveled up. I really thought they were goners; I had
failed. The flowers were no longer open
and soft; where fullness once was, now emptiness presided.
Hope was almost lost. But in a last ditch effort, I doused them
with water and, believing in the name, an overserving of Miracle Grow. I wanted to keep watering and watering to
make up for it, but I knew I had done what I could for now.
That was last night. I woke up this morning and went to see them –
and they looked amazingly better. There
were blossomed flowers and lively leaves.
I could see they still needed more love, consistent love, but they were
on their way back to full health.
I know this is somewhat of an obvious
Christian connection – yes, Kallie, we all need ‘watered’ and without it we
shrivel. But I love the imagery, and I
love the truth of it.
We need Jesus. We need time with Him every day, all
day. We need to pursue Him and be filled
with Him or else we shrivel. We become
fearful, anxious, sad, lost, crabby.
(I’ll take you out of this – I
become fearful, anxious, sad, lost, crabby.)
The truth of the matter is yes, watering
my flowers and giving them some Miracle Grow last night helped
exponentially. But if that is all I do
for the next week, they’ll be right back where they were, or worse. It takes consistent care and attention to
keep a plant alive. Our lives of faith
are no different. Opening your Bible
once a week, yeah that is a good thing.
But it is not enough.
I went through a dry patch recently. Being a seminary student runs the risk of making the Bible your textbook and Jesus your study guide. We can justify not spending time with the Lord because, well, “I read all of Exodus for class today.” (That is not Miracle Grow, people.) I got burnt out and I was not motivated or excited about spending time with God, in any way. I woke up each morning only wanting to watch something on Netflix and escape the world; I had no desire to open my Bible or write in my journal. I justified it by saying, God doesn’t want me to do anything out of guilt. So if the only reason I am spending time with Him is because I feel like I ‘should’, then it isn’t really what He wants for me. I should want to spend time with Him. So I’ll just take a break till I feel like it again.
I went through a dry patch recently. Being a seminary student runs the risk of making the Bible your textbook and Jesus your study guide. We can justify not spending time with the Lord because, well, “I read all of Exodus for class today.” (That is not Miracle Grow, people.) I got burnt out and I was not motivated or excited about spending time with God, in any way. I woke up each morning only wanting to watch something on Netflix and escape the world; I had no desire to open my Bible or write in my journal. I justified it by saying, God doesn’t want me to do anything out of guilt. So if the only reason I am spending time with Him is because I feel like I ‘should’, then it isn’t really what He wants for me. I should want to spend time with Him. So I’ll just take a break till I feel like it again.
I shared these feelings with my mentor,
and she shared some wisdom (ahh, mentoring).
Sometimes, we just have to press on in something that we know is good,
even if it seems dry and pointless. Even
if we aren’t feeling inspired or wanting, we know it is something good for us. Something that eventually after becoming
repetition, will become something we rely on.
For example, you may not want to drink several glasses of water
everyday, but you do it because it is good for you. Eventually you don’t know how you lived
without your snobby Camelbak (I just want one, ok…).
Does that make sense? Repetition of something good, basically
forming a good habit, doesn’t necessarily excite us at first, but eventually
becomes a necessity and a life-giving activity.
pray when you do not feel like it is not hypocrisy – it is faithfulness to the
greatest duty of life.” (Springs in the Valley)
God says things like come to me, seek me
and you will find me. He promises that
endurance and consistency are rewarded attributes and He is never hiding from
us. In life’s dry and dark moments, He
is there. Never far from you. We just have to make the time, do the work,
and He will be present.
It isn’t a formula: me + Bible = God’s
It is just faith. Faith that the God who appeared to so many
people before us is the same God, moving and active in our world today. He loves us, and will help us grow and bloom,
if we allow Him to water us.
love, joy and hugs,
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