My mind was blown by a quote in a book
I am currently reading. The author tells
a story of a woman who had experienced extreme tragedy in her life, and when
asked how she survived it all she responded, “Once we know how much He loves us, there’s just nothing else.”
It is easier to believe this in the
hard times, I think. When we have
nothing or no one to lean on other than God, it is an easy choice - because it is our only choice.
But what happens when fifteen
great Christian people are around all the time? It is easy to switch my
dependence on God to being dependent on people. To judge and perceive how much
I am loved and how much I am worth on what they think of me, what they
invite me to, and what they say about me.
It is easy for me to seek love and
affirmation from other people. I am an
encourager, an includer, an empathizer. And I really believe that our biggest
strengths can often be our biggest weaknesses.
For me, I show love and appreciation in these ways because they are the
way I feel loved. When I receive
affirmation or am invited or included, I know I am loved.
The problem is, humans are not always affirming or inviting all the time (gasp!).
There is always going to be a point in my day or life where I have to
rely on something else for my worth and value.
Ultimately it is always going to end
badly when I place my value in human hands; it will probably end up with me
being bitter because really you can never receive enough affirmation – the bucket has a large hole in the bottom and
leaks faster than it is filled.
we know how much He loves us, there’s just nothing else.”
This quote. It just keeps bouncing
around the walls of my head, inviting me to something more. I keep fighting this battle. I keep knowing in my head that God’s love has
to be enough, yet still in my heart I am searching for love and acceptance in
other places.
“Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love!” Every
time I sing that I am reminded…I’m a runaway.
We all are. My running away might
look really different than others – it’s a ‘ride my bike down the street to
where I can still see my house’ kind of running away. But I still hold my heart in my hands and
offer it out to other people in hopes that they can “take it and seal it” and
keep it safe.
I’m trying to learn that quote for
myself. Trying to live out of that place. I want to give God my runaway heart and my
search for value because He is the repairer and fulfiller of all those
things. I am trying to daily remember
that He knows my name, knows my heart, sees me, cares for me, and loves me
despite my runaway tendencies.
we know how much He loves us, there’s just nothing else.”
Ask Him how much He loves you. Ask Him to show you. He will.
He is a God that shows up, especially when we seek Him.
will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah
* The book I am reading is Beautiful Battlefields by Bo Stern (:
* The book I am reading is Beautiful Battlefields by Bo Stern (: